
Largest industry gathering at COP28 set out plans to deliver a net zero future



国际海事组织当选秘书长, Arsenio Dominguez speaking at the 塑造航运业的未来:实现一个净零世界
  • 塑造航运业的未来:实现一个净零世界 summit a course was set to deliver on the International Maritime Organization’s net zero strategy.
  • The industry flagship summit convened over 300 maritime and energy sector leaders and key stakeholders, 来自30个国家, across the supply chain along with six governments leaders during COP28 at the iconic Museum of the Future.

2023年12月11日,迪拜: 经过一天的积极讨论 塑造航运业的未来:实现一个净零世界 峰会昨天, a course was set to deliver on the International Maritime Organization’s net zero strategy. 这个行业的倡议汇集了 60组织 to discuss tangible solutions to meet the ambitious net zero targets by or around 2050.

300多位领导, 其中包括来自世界各地的30多个国家的人, 从整个能源-海运价值链中召集, to work together to deliver a robust regulatory outcome at the IMO negotiations in March 2024 at MEPC81. The summit built on the discussions that have taken place throughout COP28, 确定雄心勃勃的解决方案,推进基础设施建设, 燃料供应和融资.

埃格里马尔迪, Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping, opened the summit saying:

“Decarbonisation is bigger than any one industry or government but what is clear is that to be successful in meeting our climate targets the world will need shipping. We know that there are always announcements and noise here at COP meetings, but beyond the razmataz there are detailed negotiations and talks. 这就是今天的意义所在.”

美琳娜Travlos, President, Union of Greek Shipowners and Chair, Neptune Shipping Lines, said in the keynote address:

“Today at this summit we are called to meaningfully address the challenges ahead and look to seize the opportunity. 这是一个独一无二的机会, 不仅是为了塑造航运的可持续未来, but also to play a defining role in helping the whole global economy accelerate towards net zero… Collaboration, 的决心, and commitment from all of us are key to successfully bringing effective decarbonisation within our grasp.”

Arsenio Dominguez, International Maritime Organization Secretary General Elect, said during the Summit:

“Yes, we have the IMO Strategy, it was a great achievement last July. But it is what comes next, what are we going to start doing to make that a reality? 在国际海事组织,我们没有停止. We are already carrying out the impact assessment on the fleet and on States in order to provide the necessary information for the marine environment protection committee meetings that will take place next year and that will lead us to those measures that will be adopted by 2025, implemented in 2027 and that will make these objectives of the strategy a reality, 包括技术和经济措施.”

安德斯·哈默·斯特罗曼运输,主要作者th 评估报告, 政府间气候变化专门委员会, delivered an informative presentation that stressed the urgency of the issue to decarbonise. 他的结论是:

“还有希望。. 选择是可行的,现在是采取行动的时候了. 在 same time our synthesis report of March of this year provided a warning. The current pace and the scale of climate action are insufficient to tackle climate change. And as you shape the future of shipping remember that our choices will reverberate for hundreds even thousands of years.”

The summit was structured to ensure that delegates had an opportunity to provide their insights and experiences, to better understand the challenges and to identify how to address the climate crisis. This was done in the context of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) revised greenhouse gas strategy, updated climate science and increasingly dynamic energy and industrial transition policies.

上校. 阿卜杜勒卡里姆·马萨比, Chairman, Emirates Shipping Association, said during his address to the delegates:

“It is the organisations that are sitting in this room today that hold the key in the future of shipping, and it is imperative that we tackle this head on from all angles by innovating and by developing and scaling next generation fuels, engines and vessels and the ability to carry new fuels like hydrogen, 氨.”

向代表讲话 H.E. 我是Hessa Al Malek, 海运事务部长顾问, 阿联酋能源和基础设施部表示:

“The IMO 2023 strategy stands as a testament to our shared ambition outlining a course toward a greener and more sustainable maritime future. This strategy is not just a document it reflects our collective resolve to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and guide industry towards a more environmentally path. 而国际海事组织2023年温室气体战略设定了很高的标准, the time has come to translate this aspiration into a concrete action. 渴望改变已经不够了.”

The summit was part of the COP28 presidency programme and hosted under the patronage of the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. The event was organised by a coalition of leading maritime industry bodies and coordinated by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), 与阿联酋航运协会合作.

峰会在7日举行的盛大晚宴上达到高潮th 未来博物馆的一层.